Worst Skin Care Advice

Submitted by Patrick Hatfield on

We always hear about tips and things we can do to improve the health of our skin.  However, we don’t always know if those tips are valid and from reputable sources.  Below is some skin care advice you should definitely avoid and take out of your regimen.

Facial Yoga – There are many people that claim that facial yoga exercises can help improve skin’s appearance and remove wrinkles by tightening the skin.  This facial exercise is not able to reverse the signs of skin damage and it can actually aggravate the wrinkles that are present in the skin by the constant movement of the facial muscle flexing.  Unfortunately, there is not a natural way to remove skin wrinkles.

Botox Makes you Numb – Many people think that botox is only used for aesthetic reasons.  However, there are several medical uses where botox can be very helpful, like migraines for example.  Botox paralyzes the nerves that lead to the muscle fibers in the skin, but not the sensory nerves that are related to touch and sensation.  You will not go numb at the site of injection, you will just not have visible muscle contraction in your face when you make facial expressions.  If you do experience numbness, it may be due to something that has gone wrong during the procedure and you may need to see a doctor.

Skin Cancer Spots Pop Up – The myth that skin cancer spots need to be raised on your skin’s surface is untrue.  Melanomas are often raised on the skin, but many can also appear flat on the skin’s surface as well.  All skin spots have the potential to be malignant in nature.  A yearly skin exam is the best way to keep up with your spots and any changes that may be dangerous to your health.

I Work Inside and Don’t Need Sunblock – Although many of us work inside, we have to travel by vehicle to get where we are and we also have windows in our workplace that can still allow UVA rays to pass through to our skin.  UVA rays are all around us and sunblock is one of the best ways to ensure they don’t get us.

Bandages Make Wounds Heal Slower – A scrape or surgical scar does not need to be dry to heal, but keeping it covered can keep it moist and protected where it will heal just as effectively.  Wounds in moist environments that are protected from outside issues will actually heal faster.

Toothpaste and Zits – The old wives’ tale is to apply toothpaste to a pimple to get it to go away quickly.  There is no evidence linking toothpaste with acne-clearing powers.  However, some toothpastes do contain hydrogen peroxide, which can decrease bacteria and virus levels temporarily.  The other ingredients found in the toothpaste can irritate the skin and actually worsen the aesthetics of the pimple.  Use dermatologist recommended pimple cream to lessen the duration of the pimple, without harming your skin any further.

As always, if you need advice, book an appointment with our Batesville, Arkansas dermatology practice, Dr. Patrick Hatfield.