How to Get Clear Skin

Submitted by Patrick Hatfield on

All of us would love to have beautiful skin that is flawless, but unfortunately that is not the reality.  Skin can have many difficulties including dryness, acne, wrinkles, and sun spots.  The causes can be genetics, hormones, pollution, and even pore-clogging beauty products.  Dermatologists can get your skin back under control, with some of these great tips.

Cleansing Brush – Simply washing your face to remove dirt, makeup, and oil is not as effective as using a cleansing brush.  This brush will create a deep cleanse and exfoliate the skin, leaving it feeling smoother and softer.

Cleanser – A gentle cleanser is necessary for healthy skin.  If you are experiencing breakouts, consider using an acne-prone skin product.  Some of the ingredients in these washes can add medication to the face to dry out and prevent acne breakouts.  They also combat oil and bacteria.

Toner – Toners with glycolic acid are a great way to unclog pores and deposit acne fighting ingredients.  This product can be used after cleansing the skin and prior to moisturizers. Toners balance pH and soothe your complexion.

Retinoids – If you are experiencing a breakout, consider using retinoids prior to bedtime.  Vitamin A can help to unclog follicles and help acne products work better by penetrating deeper.  They can help with minimizing fine lines and wrinkles, but make sure to lather up the sunscreen because retinoids can cause sun sensitivity.

Sunscreen – Applying sunscreen daily is important to protect your skin from sun spots and also skin cancer.  Sun causes breakouts due to oil glands becoming overactive.  The sunscreen should be oil-free and non-comedogenic to prevent breakouts.  It should also be at least 30 SPF to ensure that it is protecting your skin from harmful UV rays that can cause serious skin damage.

Clay Masks – Using a weekly clay mask can help to hydrate the skin and remove toxins out of the skin.  It should leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.  Bentonite clay is a wonderful base for a clay mask.

LED Therapy – Another treatment that can help to clear skin is LED light therapy.  This therapy is comprised of low-level light therapy that penetrates the skin.  Wavelengths of 600-1300 nanometers results in skin rejuvenation, repair of tissue, and promotion of wound healing as well.  This wavelength also targets bacteria, inflammation and promotes the production of collagen.

Diet – Eating junk isn’t good for your skin or your body in general.  It should be minimized and only a splurge every now and then.  Avoiding processed food, sugar, and dairy are great ways to reduce breakouts.  Fruits and vegetables are better ways of getting glowing skin.

Sleep – This seems obvious, but the amount of sleep you get is the amount of skin repair you get while you are sleeping.  If you lack the proper amount of sleep you get dark circles and puffy bags under your eyes.  Find a relaxing routine you perform prior to going to sleep to get your body used to a routine.